Zbrosza Duża 39a, 05-604 Jasieniec +48 696 942 177 info@mirabelkowezacisze.pl

Recreation - Agroturystyka Mirabelkowe zacisze

Sauna in the garden

Perfect relaxation for body and soul. Located in the garden, right next to literal buckets of cold water!


Whether it’s the summer or spring, during the day or in the evening, we always urge our guests to relax in warm water with bubbles amongst the silence that only nature can provide! Jacuzzi is open from April 1st to November 1st.


Our farm has three garden gazebos with thatched roofs, each accommodating at least ten people.


We offer various bicycles: for children, women, men, tandem, or even a four-wheeler. This service is free of charge!


Our youngest guests may enjoy the playground with a swing and a slide.


Staring a grill works for spring evenings, summer parties, or autumnal daydreaming. We, of course, have several different grilling options for you.


We recommend fishing for those less active and looking forward to relaxing in silence.

Massages/currently not available

Massage is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. It has countless positive effects on our bodies and psyche, such as:

  • Relieving stress.
  • Improving sleep.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Helping to maintain a youthful appearance.
  • Relieving back pain.

30 minutes – 100 PLN
40 minutes – 140 PLN


Our farm is near the Pilica River, where numerous kayaking opportunities exist.
Rafting on the Pilica River, call: +48 535 711 808.  530 002 529


The therapy consists of inhaling the air from the hives, which comes out into the room where the person is staying. A person surrounded by so many bees benefits from their energy. The air is ionized and free of bacteria, viruses, and pathogenic fungi.
This service is free of charge.

Melex tours around the area (call +48 535 711 808)

Route I: approx. 1 hour – 200 PLN

-> Biejkowska Wola
-> Białobrzegi (stop – for Białobrzeskie ice cream)
-> return to Zbrosza Duża

Route II: approx. 40min 150 PLN
-> Jasieniec (ponds in Jasieniec)
-> Return to Zbrosza Duża

Rafting on the Pilica River,  call +48 535 711 808.
Shooting range call +48 535 711 808
Horse stables call +48 535 711 808
Winery call +48 535 711 808

Feel free to contact us!

We will answer all your questions.